After the destruction of the land, the gang of saints will not finish its adventures in space. New point for conquering – hell!
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & GAT OUT of HELL
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I never poke into a person who made a mistake or sealed. But there is a huge difference between a random description and the case when a person spits on the rules of his native language. Its scribbling is physically painful to read.
To put it mildly, I’m not very competent, therefore my opinion is not impartial, but the dude is already frankly infuriated me, who indicate everyone’s illiteracy, while they do it as if they themselves are never mistaken.
Do not understand me wrong, you need to write correctly, but you poke a finger at people for their illiteracy, firstly stupidly, because even without you it can be seen that the person was mistaken, and secondly simply ugly.
Here you have a higher education, and you have not understood the line that is the essence. UROB0ROS He pointed not to any typos or small errors, but to the indifferent attitude to the simplest writing of Russian words.
Read slowly … Quote literally:
I completely agree. Well, it would be an isolated case, but this, his mother, is a general phenomenon. True, indicating illiteracy is most often useless ..
I am sure that if it were DLC not independent, but requiring the original fourth part, half of the claims from players and journalists, as a hand, would withdraw. Because of this, it is somehow a shame, because it is as the GAT OUT of Hell addition that is very good and in its price category of twenty bucks a pretty decent.
“Broken” – a project that will like it to many, it will not be a pity to re -trial in a certain period of time.
“Proproding” – a project that can be safely passing once, not without pleasure. Like, respectively, not so many.
Feng, why are you so? Right now, what a game you will buy for 400 rubles, and here, although sucked out of your finger, but carbon monoxide and trash. In this game there is everything that my soul wants. I don’t know why you are placing a passage 🙁 It is clear that changes from the time of the third part are zero, but all major titles are now suffering.
And what did you want from a person who woven undeservedly “passage” to the last “Serious Sam” and praised Sniper. Ghost Warrior 2 “?
Here, the lack of new ideas is not really compensated by anything (I do not deny that there are a couple of interesting moments in the game, but no more). Deep Silver is simply trying to pump as much money from this Title as possible, spending minimal … and this is regrettable. Nevertheless, the new Saints Row came out and the truth is not so bad, but still quite dull compared to even the fourth part.
Someone can see, but someone minor may think that writing is illiterate-it is stylish, fashionable, youth, and will also score on the rules. Anyway: how else to indicate rampant illiteracy except to poke his nose?
There is a huge difference between a random description and the case when a person spits on the rules of his native language
Just as there is a difference between this ..
Man, but you can’t write like that, learn Russian, or at least use programs to check spelling.
You would better worry about your grades in Russian, and not for the fate of the series. It’s easy to read.
I have not seen a single trailer, so for me everything was new. But in general, yes, Gat out of Hell is more likely for fans of the series. I like it more than GTA, so I caught my fan and is quite satisfied. But what I really agree with is the fact that the series already needs to be changed. The current concept has already exhausted itself, so you need to come up with something new, well, or do something well-forgotten old in a modern manner. The assessment, although not very pleasant, is still suitable.
This is an independent addition, not the plot DLC for 100 rubles. If it were the “fifth” part, I would have rolled her so far from such a.
Somehow 400 rubles for one evening … I would be better in a movie with beer, Nachos and friends went for that kind of money. Taking into account post-field boltology and short-lived festivities-it will be killed just for 4-5 hours, only pleasure will turn out noticeably more than from the Gets in hell.
I have not seen the trailers of the scenes, and this is probably good. Because when Satan and his daughter began to sing a song, I laughed wildly. In general, I liked the toy. A couple of hours of madness will not hurt this year.