
Does not comute: review

Studio Mediocre Repeatedly occupied the top lines of the charts of the App Store and Google Play with its unpretentious arcades. Smash hit And it completely became semolina: interesting, beautiful and, I must admit, in places it is damn complicated, it easily dragged on for several days. And it is incredibly pleasant that Mediocre Holds the brand.

Anarchy on the road

This game is about cars, road traffic, city, accidents and a little about time management. The developers presented a world where on the roads they did not even bother to put traffic lights, and people around only do that they are late somewhere. In short, the average level in Does not comute To its completion is a local apocalypse, where only a miracle saves everyone around from a large -scale automobile catastrophe.

It works like this. There is a single area of ​​the city with streets, parks, rivers and bridges. From point A to point B urgently, you need to get the driver of the vehicle, whether it be a passenger car, a bus, a boat or a moped. Having controlled the ward, we deftly draw it to the desired point, and the main and most interesting chip comes into business – rewinding time. For one card, you must deliver fifteen people to the destination, and they all leave at the same time. And if the first, for example, you will spend five cars filigree, maneuvering between obstacles in the form of walls and other road users, then problems will begin further. Lack of place on the road, another car behind which you were, weaves like a tortoise, a sudden accident is a lot of problems, and all of them are not on the time.

Then you will begin to cut the path through forest plantations, jump the rivers with the help of springboards, use armor and speed modifiers, get to the destination by roofs. In a word, a uniform booth will come on the streets of a cozy city. But, which is especially valuable, no one but you will be to blame for this. This is you and only you could not adequately organize the road traffic, competing with the most dangerous enemy on the road – by yourself. Does not comute The perverted “singlePleer” offers us, where two main enemy will come out against you: you are from the past, the person who fits so unsuccessfully a couple of moves ago, and time.

The chamber mode will allow you to lose the recording of the level of level, in order to consider from all sides the lawlessness that you have created.

The clock is constantly ticking, reading from the timer at the top of the treasured numbers about and without. We drove badly and decided to start? Please, but read one second from the general standings. They crashed into something? The car broke and rides slower than a snail. And time is a road resource, and studio Mediocre, Knowing this, already the second game in a row has done so that it is simply physically impossible to go without a “donat”.

The money leaching system is absolutely identical Smash hit, Only instead of iron balls here are seconds. Finishing the next stage (sometimes gritting your teeth), you find that come to a new level with exactly the same residue of the time with which the past is completed. If you have run up at least a minute one and a half, then you are well done, and the next one, perhaps, will be simple for you again. But often occurs exactly the opposite-the new adventure has just begun, and you already have ten seconds in the rest, and it is impossible to do at least something for them. And then the developer puts the largest pig in the world.

We get an annoying something more like demo for familiarization. In a free performance, the game does not limit you in the number of levels, but it becomes incredibly difficult. We reached the fifth level for one passage and still made a mistake, so that a little was not enough until the new stage? It doesn’t matter, start again! And buy the ability to start from any level. For you, this means only one thing: count Does not comute free, even conditionally deposit, you can’t. Without an initial contribution, you will suffer, suffer a lot. And even having bought a starting package (the notorious “full version”), you will not protect yourself from the fact that you will sometimes have to empty your wallet.

It is amazing how the developer combines incredible greed and talent to make fascinating games. Does not comute It seems beautiful in everything, but it has too merciless “donat” if you want the game not to cause suffering, but gave only positive emotions. We strongly advise you to get acquainted if you have not yet managed. And then you decide whether it is worth the money or not.

Pros: pleasant graphics;entertaining idea;A variety of levels and situations.
Cons: may require a lot of money and still leave in fools.Hustles Casino