We are lucky – today we are considering a unique addition. You can even say that it is the only one of its kind. This is an ideal, and it must be sent to the Museum of Standards. You are ready to meet him? Then meet – World in Conflict: Soviet Assault.
We canned sensations
How to make an ordinary fresh cucumber from the beds of piquant and tasty? It needs to be poured with boiling water, add spices, a couple of tomatoes and sealed in a jar for a year. During the feast, it is necessary to remind all the households that, de, there are canned, delicious-tasty cucumbers on the balcony, but getting them too early. We must wait and drenigate saliva.
How to make a common addition to the desired and expected? It is necessary to promise the public a huge step forward, new modes and unusual units, and then cancel the exit of the addon, they say, the developer has no money, and if the company will not be clear to survive. Players gnawing their nails, waiting, and because of the scenes, fragments of phrases are constantly heard: then the addition seemed to be ready, then it seems to be destroyed. There is a leakage of information, then official confirmation and joy of all fans – yes, the game be!
Remember that we were promised? Campaign for the USSR, a new mode for a network game, marine equipment and many, pleasant little things. How we were waiting! Second birth of your favorite game.
Where are the Soviet troops going?
We buy a game for $ 15, download the last update and launch the campaign. Great introductory video! Yes, and not one – the game pleases with several screensavens at once: some consist only of pictures drawn with pencil, others are made on the engine – it comes out atmospheric. Hands already itch – we were inspired by the speech of the Secretary General.
The first mission is quite simple. First you need to shoot the entire guard of the enemy camp with one detachment of infantrymen. We are moving, we are hiding from intelligence helicopters and silently kill opponents – before us is a real stealth explosion, but the sun is moving, and tanks are already going on the attack. That night we neutralized all the guns, and therefore it is now easy for us to storm the enemy’s positions. Bombs make the earth moan, Soviet tanks wound the caterpillars of running Americans, and the command is heart -rendingly yelling: "Forward, only forward!". Everything is pathetic, fervently and cruelly, although it is unnecessary just. But this is only the first mission, then it will be ..
And then there will be the second first mission. That is, the first mission from the original game. Then there will be the second of the original, then the third … It turns out that the addition does not add a campaign for the USSR, it only brings six new missions to the game, because of which the whole game is required to be re-released.
The missions themselves are simple and boring. The plot pleases only the screensavers that consist of pictures (drawing them is a matter of one or two days). All battles are held on old maps, so if you are not particularly attracted by the original campaign, then you should not even separately go through new missions. Everything is very primitive, and how pathos – I don’t even want to say. In addition, the developers flooded the game with concentrated cranberries syrup. Listening to negotiations is simply disgusting. And if they infuriate you when they make boobs from the Russians who drink vodka and dream only of world domination – it is better not to start the campaign. Here are only such Russians – there are no others.
Oh, I hear how lovers of network battles spoke. You want new modes, new units? The author of these lines also dreamed of playing on the water, but I hasten to disappoint you – there are no new soldiers, no new modes, nor new cards – no -m -th.
Especially before leaving the additions, the developers released a patch, so it is much more useful than everything that gives to the game SA. If you download the addon for free, then the old key will not work, and you can’t play on the network anymore. Only if you like the Internet bouts, then why SA? Bugs came with the addition. Errors and departures from battles are already happening, if at least one of the players has an addition. Moreover, be sure that the developers will not rush to support the game, hoping to breathe a new life into it. Patches will come out as slowly, but you may not wait for innovations. After all, even a whole addition could not add anything worthwhile, and the project was not transferred to the console.
A reasonable question arises – what it was generally? How the developers dared to sell such hack?! Let them look at Valve, which produces free modifications and new modes for Team Fortress 2. Let them look at Epic, recently created a huge addition to Unreal Tournament 3. They support the project, want to develop it, and Massive Entertainment, Realizing that World in Conflict is bending, I decided easily "Cut the dough". Therefore, they did not dispel the rumors, and therefore did not say in advance that there would be no sea units, and new regimes were never planned. Well, now Massive It will be very difficult to return your good name, and the money will never return the money to players. It is only pleasing that the localization will come up only by the end of the month, and you can definitely decide for yourself – is it worth paying for six wretched boring missions ..
Pros: There are no advantages. At all.
Cons: All addition is one continuous minus. The developers sold hack.https://lucky-barry-casino.co.uk/